Family Owned

Hi, it's Ty (ironic right?) here, one of the founders of Ty's Tiess, our little family owned tie shop based in Logan, Utah.


Here at Ty's Ties, we believe three things:


First, life's biggest moments require the highest quality ties that are affordable.


Second, ties should represent who you are, they have to be unique, bold, creative and custom made.


Third, the best ties are handmade. This give us the ability to bring to life the best designs ensuring the highest quality.


When starting Ty's Tiess it was our mission to put an end to these problems I experienced way to many times when shopping for ties online:


  • Only seeing the same regurgitated tie designs and styles.
  • Receiving low quality ties in my online orders.
  • Having to pay large sums to get actual high quality ties.


I had enough and my wife for sure had enough of it. So the adventure began! Connections were made, ideas were solidified and the dream of owning a tie shop became a reality.


We hope Ty's Tiess can help you find ties with meaning, quality, and affordability.


Your Friends,

Ty's Tiess