How To Match A Tie With a Dress

A Tie + Dress Matching
Your date is right around the corner and your girl said yes to your asking! Then this texts pops up, "Hey here is a picture of the dress I am wearing we should match!"
Now this is your time to shine! This color guide to matching will be your best friend when selecting which tie to match with her dress.
Remember she probably went all out on the dress she is wearing, and trust us when we say this, she wants you to get a tie that goes with that dress.
Thanks to this guide some pressure will be taken off of your shoulders when it comes to finding that perfect tie to match with a dress. The guide breaks down each individual color on the left and then breaks down a list of secondary colors that can complement the color of her dress.
Here are some great example photos of how to match your tie with your date's dress to help you out!
Example One: Light Blue Dress Combo with White, Blue and Purple Floral Tie
Example 2:Pink Dazzled Dress Combo with Handmade Pink Tie
Example 3: Navy Blue Homecoming Dress Combo with Navy Blue, Pink and Teal Floral Tie
Example 4: Grey Homecoming Dress Combo with Handmade Heather Grey tie
Still need a date to prom? Check out our compilation of the 10 best ways to ask someone to prom!
Wrap Up
With this guide we want you to get a few things straight. First, your tie does not have to be the exact same color as your date's dress. Second, for your tie to match your date's dress it does not just have to be a plain one colored silk tie. Third, your tie can be a secondary color that matches your dates primary dress color (See example one). Lastly, your tie does not have to be boring and plain to match a dress (see example three).
Now the last step... How do you match with your tie? You got the matching down with her dress, dont worry click here to learn how to match with your fit.
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