Should Your Tie Match Your Shoes?

Should Your Tie Match Your Shoes?

Ties To Match With Your Shoes? 


Let's back up a minute before we hit the ground running, traditionally speaking your belt should match with your shoes. Brown belt, brown shoes and black belt, black shoes. Not only color matters in matching shoes and belts but also dressiness and texture. The same rule applies for your watch.


(Already know if your tie matches your shoes? But want to understand what tie to wear with your fit, skip the wait here to learn)


Here are three prime examples of matching:

How to match with your tie, Floral ties, skinny ties, what to wear with your tie


Here are two prime examples of not matching:


How to match with your tie? Find your answers here so you can wear the right tie with your fit


Easy right? Now that we got a foundation under us let's cut to the chase, your tie does not need to your shoes or your belt in color and texture, but as a good rule of thumb your tie should match in dressiness. Luckily for us men, the majority of ties are already dressy and doesn’t require us to do matching.


Here are a few great style examples:

The perfect fir for a wedding? Now all your need is the best ties to go with it. Shop the highest quality ties west of the Mississippi River


How to match with your tie! The perfect short read so you wear your tie right!

So, no need to worry about finding that perfect pair of floral shoes to match with your floral tie! Only remember color, dressiness and texture must be matching with your shoes and belt.


Find Your Perfect Tie Here


See out last blog post: Why Do Men Wear Ties?